I am Oussema Khlifi, an international student hailing from Tunisia. My academic pursuits encompass both Computer Science and Business Administration, and I am immensely enthusiastic about emerging technologies.
During this past summer, I had the privilege of participating in an engaging and enlightening experience at the Kentucky Discovery and Web Mining Lab (KDWM Lab). Here, I was introduced to the domain of Explainable AI (XAI). XAI seeks to demystify the workings of AI systems, making them more comprehensible and interpretable. This exposure piqued my curiosity and kindled a profound interest in the field of AI.
Furthermore, my journey into electronics and robotics was inaugurated thanks to my labor position as a Lab Associate for TAD265, working with Dr. Wu. This experience provided me with invaluable insights into the inner workings of electronic systems and their potential applications. It was assisting the students with their final projects that gave me a glimpse into the realm of robotics.
My academic journey began without a predetermined destination in AI or robotics. However, it was my fascination with these cutting-edge technologies that led me to take this class. I aspire to delve deeper into these fields, explore their intricacies, and comprehend how they can positively impact our future. I am also looking forward to taking advantage of the University of Michigan’s resources as well as connecting with other folks from the University of Michigan and Howard University as well as hoping to go on a class trip to their robotics lab at some point this semester!